Monday, 4 February 2013

Valletta Living History has been reconfirmed a Quality Assured Visitor Attraction

"The Malta Tourism Authority is pleased to inform you that Valletta Living History has been reconfirmed a Quality Assured Visitor Attraction till the 31st January 2015."

Through its Quality Assured schemes, the Malta Tourism Authority is seeking to recognise tourism operators and establishments that offer a quality service to our visitors

This was the first email that we opened this morning, and what a good way to start a new month and a new week.

We would like to thank all our visitors for their great feedback.  Valletta Living History was produced in a way that also gives evidence of the great artistic talent of the Maltese.

Friday, 1 February 2013

Buy your ticket online now!

You can now instantly buy your tickets to Valletta Living History using the website  Tickets can be purchased using all international credit cards.  There is also a 20% discount limited offer available when buy your ticket online today!

Buy your tickets for Valletta Living History today! CLICK HERE

Some of the Pictures from the Drawing Competition

National Drawing Competition Awards

Valletta Living History together with the Embassy Complex hosted the award ceremony for the winners of the Valletta Living History National Drawing Competition titled 'MY CITY - imagine Valletta in 2018', on Saturday 19th January 2013.  The awards were given out by Valletta Mayor, Dr. Alexiei Dingli.

Miss Laura Zammit from the Convent of the Sacred Heart won the Best Drawing award consisting of €100 shopping vouchers at the Embassy Complex, 2 tickets to see Valletta Living History, 2 tickets to use at the Embassy Cinema and a Valletta Living History gift pack.

The Best Class Effort award went to Class 3.1 of Kullegg Dun Gorg Preca Primary A Paola.  The class prize consists of a screening of Valletta Living History and participation in the Valletta Treasure Hunt together with a gift pack each.

Valletta Living History is a high definition audiovisual docudrama depicting the history, culture and lifestyle of Malta and the Maltese.  It is screened eight times daily in eight languages at the Embassy Complex in Valletta.  The high quality production has also been awarded the Quality Assured seal by the Malta Tourism Authority.  For more information visit or on Facebook.


Valletta Living History flimkien ma’ The Embassy Complex ospitaw iċ-ċerimonja tal-għoti tal-premijiet lir-rebbieħa tal-Valletta Living History National Drawing Competition bl-isem 'MY CITY - imagine Valletta in 2018', nhar is-Sibt 19 ta’ Jannar 2012.  Għal din iċ-ċerimonja attenda fost oħrajn is-Sindku tal-Belt Valletta, Dr. Alexiei Dingli.

Laura Zammit mill-iskola The Convent of the Sacred Heart rebħet ir-rigal tal-aqwa stampa fejn ingħatat €100 vouchers li jissarfu f’ The Embassy Complex, 2 biljetti biex tara Valletta Living History, 2 biljetti biex tara film f’ The Embassy Cinema u numru ta’ rigali marbuta ma’ Valletta Living History.

Il-klassi 3.1 tal-Kullegg Dun Gorg Preca Primarja A ta’ Raħal Ġdid ħadu l-unur bħala l-aħjar klassi li pparteċipw.  Huma rebħu mawra bħala klassi biex jaraw Valletta Living History u wara jieħdu sehem fit-Treasure Hunt tal-Belt Valletta.

Valletta Living History huwa docudrama li juri l-istorja, il-kultura u l-istil ta’ ħajja ta' Malta u tal-Maltin. Prodott u muri f’ definizzjoni għolja, dan l-ispettaklu, f’perjodu qasir rċeva rikonoxximent għall-kwalità tiegħu, u ingħata il-Quality Assured Award, siġill tal-Awtorità Maltija tat-Turiżmu.

Valletta Living History jintwera kuljum fil-Kumpless Embassy fil-Belt Valletta. Aktar informazzjoni dwar l-ispettaklu u din l-inizjattiva tinstab fuq il-websajt jew fuq Facebook.